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JESUS: 27 AD March 25 to April 3

March 25, 27AD - End of Jesus Fasting, 400 Days before death, Tuesday


+ 1 Day = 41 days

March 26, 27AD - Wed John 1:29 - the next day. John saw Jesus


+ 1 Day = 42 days

March 27, 27AD - Thursday John 1:35 - the next day. Two disciples of John followed Jesus


+ 1 Day = 43 days

March 27, 27AD - Thursday morning - John 1:43 - the next day. Jesus findeth Philip and Nathaniel


                         - Friday Sunset - New Year Nisan 1 - Acceptable Year of the Lord, Sabbath

March 27, 27AD - Thursday after sunset - Jesus Nazarite Vow to be a Rabbi

+ 2 Day = 45 days - Sabbath from March 28 sunset to March 29 sunset

March 29, 27AD - 3rd day of Nisan, Saturday evening, Marriage at Cana.


Jesus said, “my time is not yet”

+ 4 Days = 49 days, End of one week, Daniel 9:25 - Jesus went to Capernaum

April 3, 27AD - End of 7 Weeks, 49 days, Thursday, Messiah, the prince       
